Exciting news for Seven Bends–help keep it that way?
Senator Timmy French and Delegate Todd Gilbert submitted budget amendments for a new 2-lane bridge at the south entrance to Seven Bends State Park.
Senator Timmy French and Delegate Todd Gilbert submitted budget amendments for a new 2-lane bridge at the south entrance to Seven Bends State Park.
Staunton is kicking off an 18-month process to update its comprehensive plan with a drop-in community open house.
Good news. Warren County residents have a little more time to read through the final draft of the comprehensive plan and provide feedback..
Spending time in the Shenandoah Valley means feeling connected to water, whether that’s through fond memories of stream stomping, fishing, swimming in a nearby lake or simply appreciating the local water sources with which we are blessed.
Shenandoah and Rockingham counties have both just approved major rewrites of their plans and both include an emphasis on the importance of water
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, November 12 and plan to attend Warren County’s community outreach meeting on the final draft of the comprehensive plan.
Join conservation advocates in the Valley to learn about legislative action anticipated in the 2025 General Assembly.
This award honors individuals who are no longer with us but who contributed significantly to conservation efforts in the Shenandoah Valley.
Planners are seeking input on a long range transportation plan that looks at the transportation needs for Augusta, Staunton and Waynesboro.
After five years,, numerous opportunities for public engagement, an online survey and hours of meetings and work sessions, the revision of the comp plan is officially approved.
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