Land Use and Transportation
The scenic beauty of the Shenandoah Valley has attracted people for centuries, with its mountains, rolling farmland and historic towns. Local land use and transportation decisions play a significant role in maintaining — or diminishing — the beauty and character of the Valley.
The Alliance mobilizes citizens to get involved in planning commission, board of supervisor and city council decisions. Local planning can help protect our rural character— working farm and forest lands and historic battlefields- and encourage new growth to the Valley’s historic towns and cities.
Current Land Use and Transportation Projects
Recent News
Our North Star – Sari Carp
This award honors individuals who are no longer with us but who contributed significantly to conservation efforts in the Shenandoah Valley.
SAWMPO’s 2050 LRTP ← It’s Important!
Planners are seeking input on a long range transportation plan that looks at the transportation needs for Augusta, Staunton and Waynesboro.
Guide for next 20 years in Shenandoah County approved
After five years,, numerous opportunities for public engagement, an online survey and hours of meetings and work sessions, the revision of the comp plan is officially approved.