The time has come for the community to weigh in again on the future vision for Front Royal as embodied in the comprehensive plan.
The town is updating the comprehensive plan that will guide decisions about where growth and development should occur, the best ways to protect natural and historic resources, and needs such as transportation, outdoor recreation and infrastructure that will ensure Front Royal remains a vibrant and unique community.
Back in November, the town kicked off the plan update by asking community members what they loved about Front Royal and what they’d like to see 20-30 years in the future. The consultants tasked with the plan update have compiled what they heard in that survey and have some draft materials ready for review.
It’s important that community members stop by one of these meetings to ensure the vision for Front Royal’s future is accurately captured in the draft plan documents.
And, if you need a refresher on the role that long-term planning documents play in keeping our communities vibrant, check out Superheroes Need Good Sidekicks from our 2020 summer newsletter.
Top photo by AgnosticPreachersKid, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons