Staunton is kicking off an 18-month process to update its comprehensive plan with a drop-in community open house on Wednesday, January 22 between 5:30 and 7pm. Staunton-area community members, property owners and stakeholders are welcome to attend to share their thoughts on the most pressing future needs, threats and opportunities for the city.
As a reminder, a comprehensive plan guides a community’s growth, development and conservation for the next 20 years, and ideally it serves as an important reference when planning commission members and city council members make local decisions to ensure the community’s vision, as captured in the comp plan, is put in place (see my past article on comprehensive plans here).
Wednesday’s event is the first of three public meetings over the course of the project designed to collaborate with community members to shape the city’s future.
We commend Staunton staff and elected officials for prioritizing community input in this process!
Open House
Wednesday, January 22
5:30 – 7pm (drop in)
Staunton High School
1301 N Coalter St.
The above photograph of Staunton was taken in the late 1960s, several comprehensive plans ago. Much of the open space and forested land in this photo is now paved over and developed. Photo credit Don Houser. (view larger)
Have you heard about our campaign to increase conservation capacity in the Augusta County area by bringing on a new full-time staff person to build on the success of longtime leader Nancy Sorrells? Find more info here and chip in with your input, a contribution or both!