Warren County is working to update the comprehensive plan, which will guide growth and development decisions over the next 20 years. The plan looks at all aspects of the county from housing to transportation to open space and economics. (If you need a refresher on the role of a comprehensive plan, you can look back at Nancy Sorrells’ 2020 article “Superheroes Need Good Sidekicks.”)
It is important that Warren County residents weigh in because the plan will guide decision-making around future development proposals that could pose either a threat or an opportunity.
Right now, resident input is needed in the county’s comprehensive plan survey that asks questions like what you love about Warren County, what you view as upcoming challenges and what you’d like to see in the future for land use, education, housing, parks and recreation, transportation, and taxes.
We’ll stay in touch with additional opportunities for input to the draft comprehensive plan, and in the meantime, thanks to Warren County folks for taking a few minutes to provide input in the survey.
Top photo by Chris Anderson