With the recommendation for approval from the Planning Commission earlier this month, the revision of the Shenandoah County Comprehensive Plan moves to the Shenandoah County Board of Supervisors for final approval on Tuesday, August 27.
> The plan aims to balance rural communities with expanding services.
As stated in my last post, I am impressed by the commitment of the members of the Citizens Advisory Committee and county staff who have spent hours working to develop a plan for Shenandoah County that ensures our community values for the next 20 years.
A staple of community planning, comprehensive plans may not have an immediately visible impact on residents, but it is essential to every decision governing bodies make regarding development. Any proposed industrial, commercial and even residential land use must conform with the plan before a body approves it. Zoning and subdivision ordinances are also tailored around the comprehensive plan to reinforce the vision citizens have laid out for the locality.
~ Ryan Fitzmaurice
in his Northern Virginia Daily article August 4, 2024.
If you haven’t already reviewed the plan, I suggest starting with the first section, “The Report,” for a thorough overview of the process, background and explanation of the plan before delving into “The Action Plan” with goals, objectives, strategies and potential actions outlined in the following eleven chapters. (Heads up, for those familiar with the current plan and its format, Shenandoah County 2045 has a different format.)
I hope that after reviewing the plan that you will agree with me that it does a good job incorporating the input you provided over the 5-year process. The plan, if followed, will preserve our rural working landscapes and natural resources while focusing new development in and around existing infrastructure.
There will be a final public hearing for the plan on Tuesday, August 27, so please join me there, even if it’s just to say thank you to committee members. If you can’t make it, you can submit email comments to your supervisor and planning staff.
Attend the Public Hearing
Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, August 27
Shenandoah County
Government Complex
9925 Main St, Woodstock, VA 22664