After tabling the issue following the December 5 public hearing, the Page County Board of Supervisors voted to allow off-premises signs at their February 6 meeting, but only for public educational institutions, namely the Page County Vo-Tech Center, which some felt needed additional directional/information signage.
This decision by the board expands what is allowed by the ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission in November of last year that proposed no off-premises signs except way-faring signs and those pertaining to safety.
Specifically, the decision from the board will allow any public educational institution to place an off-premises sign with the following restrictions:
1. Such signs shall be either a free-standing or a monument sign, and shall be no more than 24 ft. in height, and not more than 50 ft. in total size.
2. No more than one off-premises sign shall be permitted per public educational institution.
3. The applicant must have written consent from the landowner upon whose land the sign will be placed.
4. Setback requirements must be observed.
5. Must be located within five miles of the institution.
This means the Page County Vo-Tech Center will be allowed to place a sign on Route 340 that meets the above restrictions.
Thanks to all who wrote letters, made calls and attended the public hearing back in December.
We will continue to watch for any other changes or special use permits related to the sign ordinance which may impact Page’s scenic beauty and amazing viewsheds.
Top photo by Famartin, via Wikimedia Commons