The Page County Board of Supervisors is considering an update to the County’s sign ordinance. If the Board approves the planning commission’s proposed updates, Page County residents will have their viewsheds protected and not see more signs scattered along roadsides.
Over the course of several months, planning commission members worked to update the sign ordinance. The proposed updates ensure new signage:
- Isn’t visually distracting to motorists
- Isn’t a hazard overhanging or projecting into public right of ways
- Doesn’t diminish the County’s scenic and natural beauty or impact the overall appearance
- Promotes local commerce and trade using appropriately sited signage to assist residents and visitors to reach their destination and complements today’s use of cell phone navigation assistance
Sign Ordinance Public Hearing
Monday December 5
Page County Administration Building
103 S. Court St., Luray
The proposed updates support the continued use of signage at the location of a business, church, or school, as well as temporary signs such as real estate for sale, auctions, or construction sites. They also provide clarification that continues to prohibit the use of off-site advertising signs along our roadsides.
The full text of the ordinance can be read here.
Please attend a public hearing on Monday, December 5 and express support for the changes to the sign ordinance proposed by the planning commission. If you are not able to attend on the December 5 hearing, consider contacting supervisors directly.