Solar part of farm lifestyle for Liskey family
Perhaps the post on the Farm Choice Facebook page five years ago when the store went solar best summed it all up: “We have a new crop. We are harvesting solar energy.”
Perhaps the post on the Farm Choice Facebook page five years ago when the store went solar best summed it all up: “We have a new crop. We are harvesting solar energy.”
How can one protect a viewshed, not only for today and tomorrow, but forever? Enter the land protection tool known as the conservation easement.
We applaud the county supervisors’ decision to restore funding for county-level land protection in 2021 that opened the door for the state’s matching funds received this year.
The availability of agricultural and forestal districts to Page landowners has played a role in preserving the county’s natural resources and the ag and tourism econom.
Last fall, Robert Hupman and four generations of his family celebrated a new conservation easement protecting their 432 acres of mountain land.
The scenic area designation creates a special area within the larger national forest where the forests, vistas, and drinking water supplies would be preserved, while logging and industrial development such as gas drilling and pipelines would be prohibited.
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