Recognizing there will always be another project to finish, Diana Stultz, Rockingham County’s zoning administrator for the past 39 years, has decided it is time to go. Diana started in 1981 as the secretary for the planning and zoning office. Back then when an ordinance changed, it required retyping each page. It seemed inevitable that Diana would eventually know county ordinances better than anyone. In 1985, she was the obvious choice to become the county’s first zoning administrator.
During her tenure, Diana watched Rockingham County grow. She also watched the county government grow. She notes that state regulations and review processes are now much more involved than when she first started.
After taking a “Diana month” off, she has a long list of volunteer options she will consider. She also looks forward to seeing more of her extended family. Diana says she is “proof you can become something different than what you start out” and wants to reassure the Rockingham community that someone else will be there to answer their phone calls and questions after November 1.