It was great to see so many Keezletown folks out at the Ruritan Hall last November! Below is a recap of we covered, and you can view the slideshow presentation here.
First – Present compilations from Meeting #1
We presented information compiled from the small-group input activities in Meeting #1 to make sure we got it right. The feedback from Meeting #2 will be incorporated into a second draft of each item presented at Meeting #3:
✧ Map of Keezletown and Special Places
✧ Keezletown Community Shared Vision
✧ Community Priorities for the Future
Second – Planning Activity: village and rural preservation and development
We reviewed the current conditions in both the village and rural Keezletown and then drilled down to determine the community’s knowledge of and interest in preserving Keezletown’s historic, natural and scenic resources. Community members were then asked for their preference on future development patterns in both the village and rural areas of Keezletown as well as what types of activities should be considered compatible land uses in each area.
Community members provided input through several guided ranking and survey activities. This input will be used to craft the recommendations to present back to the community for approval and submission to the county’s comprehensive plan update.
Third – Transportation: designing roads and infrastructure carefully.
To determine more specifically the community’s vision for future transportation improvements, we asked meeting participants to call out:
✧ Specific problem spots for any mode of transportation: Car, bicycle, pedestrian, farm equipment, etc.
✧ Gateway options
✧ Multi-use path(s)
We also briefly discussed innovative traffic calming options that could provide a good fit for rural roadways without excessive widening.
Next steps:
The Alliance has compiled all the input from both meetings and will present a final draft of the map, vision and priorities along with two sets of recommendations to the Keezletown community at our third and final meeting on April 19 (RSVP for the third meeting here!):
✧ Planning language to be included in the comprehensive plan update
✧ Potential community initiatives