Rockingham County Local Transportation
The Alliance plays a unique role in Rockingham County in our analysis of local, regional and state transportation plans and the potential impacts on the county’s rural landscape and agricultural economy.
We support road projects that ease local traffic connections, use limited transportation funds wisely and minimize impacts on our communities and natural and historic resources.
For more than 18 years, Rockingham residents have voiced their strong opposition to building a Harrisonburg bypass through our region’s beautiful farms, battlefields and rural hamlets. In that time, trends have continued to show the project makes no sense.
Yet a bypass-loop road project remains in the transportation plans approved at every level of government – Rockingham County, the City of Harrisonburg, the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) cutting through productive farmland and historic battlefields. We followed the MPO Long Range Transportation Plan closely because it will inform the Comprehensive Plans of both Rockingham County and Harrisonburg City and will call on you for input and comments at every opportunity.
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Did they get Dinkel right?
Transportation planners are ready to present a recommendation for improvements along the Dinkel Avenue corridor based on the data and community input.
Wake Up and Make a Difference!
Join the Alliance staff, board members, community members and partners to celebrate progress towards clean water, conservation and vibrant communities in Harrisonburg and Rockingham.
Harrisonburg and Rockingham Bike-Walk Summit
This year’s summit will highlight the potential for economic development when transportation and recreation meet.
Dinkel Avenue Survey
Transportation planners want your input on how you use Friedens Church Road and Dinkel Avenue in Bridgewater and Mount Crawford.
Harrisonburg & Rockingham Transportation Projects Finalized
We are pleased by this process and the outcome—a real welcome change in dialogue and community input in transportation planning that we know will lead to impactful projects.
FINAL Input for Harrisonburg & Rockingham Transportation Projects
If you live or travel through the Harrisonburg and Rockingham area, please take a look at this plan.
Harrisonburg City Road Reconfigurations
Why road reconfiguration? In short—safety! But also, road reconfigurations improve efficiency and are more cost effective than pavement solutions.
Time for a look at transportation projects in the Harrisonburg area!
Regional transportation planners are working on a long range transportation plan that looks at transportation needs 25 years out.
Rockingham and Harrisonburg Transportation Survey
Regional transportation planners are working on a long range transportation plan that looks at the transportation needs 25 years out.