Shenandoah County Land Use and Economic Development
Planning for sustainable land use and smart economic development is critical to maintaining our rural quality of life, the agricultural and tourism sectors of our economy and the traditional settlement patterns and historic fabric of our towns.
Ways Communities Plan
Comprehensive Plan. A comprehensive plan is the approved land use plan, adopted in all localities in Virginia. It contains information on the existing conditions and growth trends and makes policy recommendations to guide future growth and development.
To keep the Comprehensive Plan a “living” document — regularly and frequently updated and kept abreast of what’s going on in the County, the Shenandoah County Board of Supervisors appointed the Citizens Advisory Committee. This Committee works with the County Planning Staff to provide regular Plan updates and revisions and report annually to the Board of Supervisors. More info and the plan here.
Zoning. Zoning is a way for a locality to control the physical development of land, specify the areas and scale in which residential, agricultural, industrial, conservation or commercial activities may take place.
In Shenandoah County, the Office of Community Development is responsible for administering the zoning and subdivision ordinances of Shenandoah County. More info here.
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