We are discouraged that the Front Royal Town Council has not yet asked for an extension of the project deadline to complete the work along Happy Creek.
The deadline to complete the work at Happy Creek is December 31, and unless an extension is requested and granted asap, citizens will not have an opportunity to weigh in on what restoration will look like along the Royal Shenandoah Greenway between Prospect Street and South Street. It also means that tons of riprap will line the banks of Happy Creek, instead of native trees and shrubs which provide for long-term flooding protection, healthy ecosystem and protect water quality.
If you haven’t already, please contact your Town Council to insist on an extension of the project deadline and for a proper construction plan in accordance with Virginia state standards and best practices for stream restoration. Emails can be found here or you can leave a message with the Clerk of Council at 540-635-8007.
Also, please add your name to this petition and help us get to 500 signatures!