The Front Royal Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing on the updated comprehensive plan on Wednesday, December 21 at 7:00 pm.
This is the next step in the process for making the document the formal vision which will guide growth and preservation in town for the next 20+ years.
It is important the planning commission hear that you support the goals and objectives included in the draft related to: small town character, high quality development, environmental/housing/economic sustainability, tourism and transportation, public health and safety, reliable utilities and services and responsive and accountable government.
After the planning commission receives input from the public on the final draft, they may or may not make changes to the document.
Then, it goes to the town council for their review, the final public hearing, and any last changes are made before it becomes the official guiding document.
According to Virginia law, comprehensive plans should be reviewed every five years. However, this is the first major rewrite of the plan since March 1998, and we think it’s well done! Comprehensive plans are important as the content guides decisions made by the planning commission and town council.
Attend the Public Hearing
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
7:00 pm
Warren County Government Center
Board Room
220 N. Commerce Avenue
Front Royal
Lauren Kopishke
Connie Potter
Top photo by Chris Anderson