Transportation Planning & Land Conservation go Hand-in-Hand
With a guarantee that there will never be subdivisions, supermarkets, or strip malls to service, replacing a rural roadway with a four lane highway becomes a poor investment.
With a guarantee that there will never be subdivisions, supermarkets, or strip malls to service, replacing a rural roadway with a four lane highway becomes a poor investment.
The problem with extensive improvements, in addition to the hefty price tag, is the draw that improved roads have for development.
“I love ShenGo” and “ShenGo is great” are two phrases heard during the county’s outreach efforts soliciting input on the future as part of the comprehensive plan update.
The Hawksbill Greenway Foundation and the town of Luray have plans to expand the greenway another 900 feet along the north end of the trail!
The ill-conceived loop road once proposed through the farmland around Harrisonburg would have impacted many areas of Rockingham County.
Community members in Shenandoah County are concerned about West Virginia’s proposed continuation of Corridor H to connect with I-81 near Strasburg.
Several trail projects in the works in Front Royal—an AT spur, trails on the Avtex site, a connection to the proposed Shenandoah Rail Trail!
The program assists localities and schools in the development of infrastructure and activities to make walking and biking to school a safe and fun.
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