Designating the Valley’s Most Special Places
Getting the Valley’s unique places listed is key for our region to leverage funds that can preserve, protect, and promote.
Getting the Valley’s unique places listed is key for our region to leverage funds that can preserve, protect, and promote.
“There is a huge amount of history here,” said Wayne Chatfield-Taylor, a landowner in the Rockland Historic District. “Morgan’s Ford is an ancient river crossing and that is why it is so important.”
No matter the season, there is always something to delight when traveling on either Highway 211 or 340.
With no section of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River currently in the Virginia Scenic Rivers System, designation of this segment would be a first.
It took two years of work, but 6.5 miles of the South River in Waynesboro have earned recognition as a Virginia Scenic River.
The NSA designation will officially communicate to decision-makers that we want the things we cherish about Shenandoah Mountain sustained for generations and protected from threats to the clean air, water and habitat it provides.
It’s time to share your views! State agencies are seeking public input on the concept of a Shenandoah Valley Rail Trail.
FERC, for the first time, seems genuinely interested in hearing from the people in the path of the pipeline.
Several of the bills that we supported are on Governor Northam’s desk awaiting signature, and the budget ended up relatively strong for clean water and farmland protection programs, considering current fiscal constraints.
© 2025 · Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley