UPDATE 3/12/2019: Thank you to those of you who were able to come to the Port Republic Road meeting. There is still a chance to share your thoughts about the plan. Comments and questions can be directed to:
Jonathan Howard, Transportation Planner
Central Shenandoah PDC and Harrisonburg-Rockingham MPO
122 MacTanly Place
Staunton, VA 244801
540.885.5174 Ext. 115
Unfortunately we don’t get to start from scratch with Port Republic Road design as new fixes are constrained by what has already been built. But, since there is no do-over, here is Alliance Transportation Lead Kim Sandum‘s take on some of the recommendations that have come from the Harrisonburg Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) study of Port Republic Road.
The draft recommendations are organized into four categories (follow along on the MPO’s website here):
Traffic Control Measures
This mostly has to do with reconfiguring traffic lights and a little with restriping lanes. But my favorite suggestion is a pedestrian overpass over Port Republic Road at Bluestone Drive/Hillsdale Avenue. No more daring dashes by JMU students trying to get to Starbucks for their coffee.
Geometric Changes
This is where most of the lane reconfigurations are listed. Changing the number of through and turn lanes and extending turn lanes are recommended at several intersections. There is also a recommendation that “high friction surface” be installed at downhill approaches making it less likely that you’ll skate to the bottom of the hill on wintery days.
Access Management Strategies
This is often the category that has the biggest traffic benefits and causes the biggest backlash. Ideas here include limiting certain left turns during certain times of day, installing medians in some areas, and closing one business driveway.
Future Considerations
There is not a lot of detail here. Come and give your ideas!
There is opportunity to comment on the MPO’s draft recommendations at the public meeting on Monday March 11 at 7pm at Harrisonburg City Hall in the Council Chambers.