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I am a constituent of ____Congressmember____. I live in ___your town___, and I am calling about the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.
I am asking ____Congressmember____ to please oppose any legislation that would make way for the pipeline, including a new law allowing the ACP to cross the Appalachian Trail. Please also let the congressional leadership know that ____Congressmember____ opposes any such legislation.
Dominion is having permitting problems because it chose a terrible route for the pipeline– through national park and national forest lands, family farms, public water supplies, and the steepest mountains in Virginia.
Facts show that the pipeline is not needed to meet electricity and gas demands. And I am concerned that electricity ratepayers will be stuck with the cost of building the pipeline.
Please do not change federal law to make way for the unneeded and destructive ACP.
Thanks for considering my comment.