The I-81 Corridor Study has entered Phase Three and the final round of public input meetings will be held in October. In Phases One and Two, VDOT summarized congestion and safety issues, developed potential improvements. Thanks so much to all of you who came to a meeting and submitted comments. Our Alliance comments are here.
Next, VDOT present a prioritized project list and funding options for these projects.
Gas tax? Sales tax? Truck tolls? Other funds?
Come Learn! Give Your Input!
Phase Three Meetings
• Wed, October 17: Staunton (South) – Blue Ridge Community College
• Thurs, October 18: Staunton (North) – Shenandoah University
Meetings are 5:00 – 7:00pm
What’s Happened So Far:
There’s a lot of public interest. Several hundred people have attended the meetings and submitted comments. The recommended solutions focus on three different areas:
- Corridor Operations Plan to better manage incidents along the corridor.
- Site-specific Capital Solutions
- Potential Funding Options including heavy commercial vehicle tolls, a regional fuels tax, and regional retail sales and use taxes.
The total cost for all the recommended capital improvements in the Staunton District is $1.0-1.6 billion. Total cost for the entire corridor is $3.3 billion.
See presentations from Phase Two meetings or learn more information about the study.
For more on our policy recommendations
Comment Deadline for Phase Three is November 30, 2018
- Email:
- Call: 804-786-2971
- Mail: ATTN: Ben Mannell, 1401 E. Broad St., Richmond, Virginia 23219